Friday, March 1, 2013

Honoring Pat Bassett

Today's opening general session is in part dedicated to honoring NAIS president Pat Bassett. It is a little like the old TV show "This is Your Life," but no doubt Pat's leadership of NAIS is worthy of being celebrated.

Sekou Andrews is sharing his spoken word tribute now, noting that Pat introduced us to the importance of data driven decision-making, getting the right people on the bus, sustainability, good is the enemy of great, 21st century skills, and so much more.

Lou Salza, head of Lawrence School, observed that Pat transformed NAIS for a collection of exclusive private schools to an organization that is recognized nationally and internationally as a true leader in the education world to which many others look for examples of excellence.

I've always appreciated how accessible Pat is as a leader. He never gives one the impression that he's too important or busy to engage in a conversation about education, schools, and kids, and he always remembers your name even though he visits hundreds of schools and meets thousands of teachers and administrators each year.

Thanks, Pat.

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